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Angel Oracle Cards


I have always been fascinated by cards and have been drawn to buy the occasional set on impulse over the years, even though I didn’t really have any idea how to use them without looking at the accompanying book.


However, having completed an Angelic Lightworker programme*, I became more aware of the communication channels with my guides and started to appreciate how powerful their messages could be.  I have always connected with them when doing colour readings, and I know they have helped me to interpret messages to bring greater clarity to my clients, but those connections have been strengthened even further bringing a powerful extra dimension to all my readings.


I have a variety of Oracle cards and can be drawn to use any deck to give a reading, either in person or using WhatsApp / telephone, or from a distance where I will do a reading and send you either a voice clip or text via e-mail or Messenger, so I am still able to give you a reading, even if you are unable to get to me.  


See prices below or 'Contact Me'


Angelic Lightworker Master Practitioner and Master Teacher (taught by Sue Owen - Angel Therapy Practitioner at Angels on Cloud Nine) is recognised by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM)




I trained as an Aura Soma Practitioner several years ago but took the decision to step back from maintaining my Registration for a variety of personal reasons.  As I am no longer a Registered Practitioner, I am not able to give an Aura Soma Consultation, however, after taking some guidance, I felt drawn to use my set of sample vials to give Colour Readings.

These vials are no longer available through Aura Soma, don’t have any of the Aura Soma branding, and my set is far from complete as new bottles have been added to their range over the years.  Although the format I use is similar to an Aura Soma Consultation, I do not go into the deeper meanings of the colours with a view to giving direction to a client, and nor do I look to offer products for the client to use. 


A basic Colour Reading will take about 15-20 minutes but there are lots of other ways of reading your selection of 4 bottles, which may reveal some ‘hidden’ messages for guidance.  This extended reading can take about 40-45 minutes


See prices below or 'Contact Me'


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The client would choose 3 ribbons - one that they are particularly drawn to, one that they feel is Ok, and another they dont like as much.  As I tune in to my spiritual connections, I am sent very clear images and messages to pass on which can often enhance the information obtained from the Oracle cards.


For an extra level of insight for the client, they could make their ribbon selections with their eyes closed, or blindfolded, so they are not influenced by the physical colours that they see.


See prices below or 'Contact Me'


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Psychometry is a form of scrying - like a way of experiencing a vision through touch.  For example - by holding an antique piece of jewellery, it may be possible to tell something about the history of that piece, the person who owned it, or about the experiences that person had while in the possession of that piece.


If you would like to know more about a specific item, then bring it along to me and let me tune in to its past.  I may not be able to do this with all objects at all times, and accuracy can vary, but I shall always do my best for you.


See prices below or 'Contact Me'

PRICES for Readings


Psychometry working with one object for up to 15 minutes - £15


Interpretation of Angel Colours (3 bottles) £11


A Basic Reading using any system of your choice (Cards, Colours or Ribbons) takes 15 to 20 minutes - £20


A Full Calendar Year Reading with Oracle Cards, or an Extended Colour Reading takes about 45 minutes - £44


'The Full Monty' - is a Full Angel Reading using 3 sets of Oracle Cards and Ribbons, which will take about one hour - £55



Have you thought about offering a little something extra for a special occasion or celebration?  Group Bookings are welcomed for groups of 6 or more, with the host / hostess being eligible for a free basic reading, or a credit of £20 towards a fuller reading of their choice.  Travel charges may apply for venues in excess of 5 miles from Titchfield and further discounts may be available for larger groups.    'Contact Me' for more details.


All Card Readings are also available via video call, WhatsApp or Zoom.  Please ask for details.


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