Here are some comments from my customers. If you would like to add a comment / review, please click on this link 'Contact Me'
Pauline Lympany - Review left on Facebook in April 2019 - Copied to website January 2023
Kate, also known as Kitty, is an amazing lady who is a wonderful healer, and creative with crafts she does, but also a great consultant who offers advice and supports you in whatever you need, whether through the healing she offers, or with her beautiful oils.
I have had the pleasure of receiving healing and using her oils which has helped me greatly.
She has a lovely disposition, kind, friendly and very approachable.
I would highly recommend Kitty.
Thank you Kitty, for your help and support. X
Penny Dimmick - December 2022
I had a wonderful colour reading with Kate. It actually worked with my akashic records clearance.
Thank you so much xxx
Trish Batchelor - December 2022
Had a very inciteful reading from Kate 18-months ago. It was amazing, helped prepare me for what was to come. Kate is a very genuine and empathetic lady. Her reading was totally accurate.
Carol Kitson (Artist and Medium) - January 2023
Kate is a lady who has an inherent love of colour.
Her collection of coloured bottles is impressive enough, but when she does her readings, she seems to have a direct line to the spirit world.
I was delighted with my reading
Justine Markley - Review left on Facebook and copied to website January 2023
I had a colour reading with Kate and it was incredible. She showed me where I was at, energy wise, where I was going to be, and what my future was going to be like. It was spot on and now after time it’s all happened.
She even thought someone I was with, who also had a reading, was my partner. They did become my partner which she predicted.
Really grateful and I would highly recommend x
Caroline Baker-Duly - Review left on Facebook in November 2022 - Copied to website January 2023
Wow! What a fascinating, fun colour reading I had with Kate. I really am amazed at how colour can tell us so much about our life.
Kate is so brilliantly enthusiastic - she’s such a natural channel. What a fantastic gift idea for Christmas too!
Thank you Kate!
Heather - Mind Body and Spirit at Warsash - 17th June 2023
Just had a fantastic colour reading with the lovely Kate, so much resonated with me! Thank you lovely lady.
Paul Andrews - Mind Body and Spirit at Emsworth - 5th February 2024
I had a colour reading from Kitty at the Emsworth Spiritual Fair last year and I was blown away with the depth of the reading. When Kitty broke down the reading for me to interpret and understand I felt very uplifted. The write up that Kitty gave me on my reading remained on my fridge and one by one, all of what was said came to light. I can’t recommend her enough.
My daughter had a reading from her yesterday at the Horndean MBS Fair and she was also very uplifted yesterday.
Thank you Kitty x
Sareeta C - Mind Body and Spirit at Hamble - 12th October 2024
I had a colour reading with you on Saturday at Hamble. It was fantastic 🙂. Thank you.
I had a reading with you last year which was accurate & reflected where I was in my life. It also reassured me that I could move forward if I 'stayed strong & focussed' then I could 'overcome anything'. I pinned the reading on my fridge & re-read the reading from time to time to remind myself that I could do things. In particular, I moved house in the summer & the words about staying strong & focused helped me get through that process (which was challenging!). But I've done it 🙂!
This year's reading was also v accurate & reassured me that I'm now in a good place in my life & that I need to now live my life. It also tied into last year's, which was v interesting.
Thank you soooo much for your readings & the reassurance they have given me. I'd thoroughly recommend these & look forward to next year's. 🙂🙂
Training - Lotus Chakra
Caroline B - Student on Lotus Chakra Course - April 2023
I loved the course and, if I'm honest, I wasn't expecting for anything to massively come up for me as I've done a lot of healing through therapy.
However, all my father wounds really surfaced. I'm so grateful as this has given me the courage to face this... and I actually met with my dad yesterday and had a really honest conversation with him. It was very calm & measured and I feel so much better for speaking my truth.
It think that's what came up for me... not just living my truth in my own little world, but speaking it.
I am very grateful our paths crossed and I attended the course.
Dave H - Student on Lotus Chakra Course - April 2023
l didn't realise quite what l had undertaken but having said that l found the course very good and turned me inside out on more than one occasion. I'm still processing and reflecting, but no regrets for taking part, possibly guided to be there.
Anne-Marie - Student on Lotus Chakra Course - April 2023
I enjoyed the course and was surprised at what it uncovered and healed. Still trying to use it in daily life and feel like I need to keep going back over notes. Happy to recommend
Jennie C - Student on Lotus Chakra Course - April 2024
I am saddened that the Lotus Chakra course has come to an end. The course, your input and the exercises enabled me to view parts of my life from a completely different perspective and helped me turn a lot of previously perceived negatives into positives. The course has enabled me to understand the reasoning behind certain circumstances - thus changing my 'blame' to 'shame'. What an amazing course - such a shame it reached its conclusion. You are so enthusiastic and that played a big part in its success.
Crafting - Smudge Feathers
Dawn Tottle - 2nd May 2023
(Fan made with Red Tailed Eagle and Pheasant tail feathers, with Swan, Seagull and Duck. Leather thong and silver wire wrap to connect with naturally shed Roe deer antler. Colour coordinated beads on the reverse)
My beautiful new smudging feather created by the lovely Kate Cameron. I was able to choose my feathers and colours to my needs, I absolutely love it.
Thank you for the lovely sound bath I received today from you, it’s good to exchange treatments from other healers

Nicola Casey-Simmons - ​November 2023
(Fan made with Magpie (long black and white), Peacock (blue green), Goose (small white), and Rooster (fluffy blue). Handle is leather wrapped with ribbon)
Kate provided a positive and professional experience and was happy to make/adjust to what I was looking for in a smudging/cleansing feather. Lots of interest shown in what I wanted and she did the rest.
I'm not local but she was more than happy to post out. She was spot in with each feather meaning and it fitted me completely. Thank you Kate for providing me with a beautiful tool to help extend my arm and cleanse the corners of my home. I look forward in using it in many more sessions to come. Thank you xx

Naturally Festive Scents - Aromatherapy Workshop - December 2024
Simon M
Very enjoyable. Wonderful experience. Very likely to recommend to friends.
Kerry H
Loved it. Definitely recommend to friends and family.
Di S
Loved it! Loved being able to play with and smell so many different oils. Really fun and informative. Relaxed atmosphere with a lot of knowledge imparted. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Sue O
Wonderful. Well organised and lots of information. Relaxed
Meditation Workshop - December 2024
Sara S
I recently attended a Meditation Workshop with Kate. It was one of the most enjoyable days I’ve had for a very long time. I learnt so much and I was so chilled by the end.
Kate made me relaxed from the start and I found her to be knowledgeable and very accommodating with all my questions and mental blocks. Kate came to my house which worked so well for me as I have struggled to meditate for years and years and I felt I needed 1:1 personal assistance.
Not only can I now meditate in a few different ways, I can now contact my guardian angels and spirit guides which is so amazing!
Thank you so, so much Kate.
Energy Clearing Goddess Sprays
Bev Barter - Comment from SPtv On Line chat show - 27th March 2023
I use Kate’s 'Relax' spray for angelic reiki and 'Enlightenment' for crystal readings and they are amazing xx
LS - Reiki Master / Crystal Healer - October 2023
Having purchased the whole range of 12 sprays, this amazing lady was kind enough to put together a comprehensive summary of her experiences with each spray. Here follows her comments:
Abundance - I hadn't really used this until I was really stressed looking after the little ones and not really knowing which way was up - I thought there had to be an answer in my spray cupboard, so sat and thought for a bit - then came up with this one. It worked wonderfully!!!! It really helped bring the joy and wonder back ... you know how when you're so stressed that you can't see clearly, and no matter how wonderful something may be, you just can't see it, so you just put your head down hoping to get through in one piece ... ? That's where I was. This spray had a 'clearing' effect which helped me actually see the kids, and I somehow then connected with their natural joy - They have absolutely no concept of our stresses!
Balance - another one I use quite a bit. It's a really useful aid to communication - not my strongest point at all! It helps my mind to stop running away with itself so I can actually hear what someone is saying, rather than what I 'think' they are saying!
Comfort - I often used with "Soothing". It is probably my favourite one and I use it most frequently. SO good for 'overwhelm' in all situations.
Confidence - Ive not really used this much at the moment - Ill get back to you.
Courage - Has a grounding and stabilizing effect.
Enlightenment - Very good to use for meditation, journeying and dreamwork. I frequently use it along with "Grounding" as it's very easy to get carried away in the upper realms, so it's a very useful tool to help bring you back down again. (See grounding caution ...)
Grounding - I use this on its own in situations when I absolutely have to focus - if I'm feeling fragmented or not particularly well and know that the situation requires my full attention. I also use it with "Enlightenment" to literally 'ground' my thoughts and helping to use my inspiration. HOWEVER - Be aware that 'Grounding' is not always a comfortable experience as it may release all sorts of traumas. If you do get a reaction, such as nausea, try and stick with it. Notice but DONT dwell on emotions that come up - they are coming through you to be released.
Protect - I didn't use this for a long time and was surprised by the very powerful scent of cloves - even though I know there is very little actually in it. But it was very good at helping me let go of other peoples' stresses that I tend to absorb. For such a 'heavy' fragrance, it has a surprisingly light and clearing effect.
Relax - Good to use during meditations and also with "Sleep". Helps to quieten your critical inner voice and helps you get out of your own way to allow more openness.
Sleep - This is great and works wonderfully - especially as my mind is so busy. Using the mantra is useful too as it focuses your mind on letting go. I often use this with "Relax" as this acknowledges the self worth issues. Gently quietening the 'not good enough' inner voice, so definitely worth trying together!
Soothing. - This is really good for overcoming self-doubt, and works well with "Comfort".
The Master - Great for meditation and journeying. Works well on its own or with any of the other sprays. The clear quartz really amplifies the intention - either from the mantras or by using your own, and helps with thinking more clearly.
Andrew Laycock - Author - May 2024
Having chatted with Andrew about how my little sprays work, and referenced some of the comments I had received, he was drawn to choose 'Sleep' and 'Relax'. This is the comment he made the very next day.
"I sprayed your Relax spray before bed and slept for almost 8 hours through for the first time in months. Amazing. They really are magical. Thank you. They are wonder sprays."
Sound Relaxation Therapy
It is difficult to place a time / date / venue on when these comments were made, but I felt they needed to be included.
Loved the Gong and the sea sounds. Wasnt sure what to expect, but was very relaxed afterwards. Thank you. 5 Stars
Loved the relaxation and being able to switch off. It was just lovely. I was stressed before but not now. 5 Stars
It was really interesting to hear about the different frequencies. I loved the different sounds. 5 Stars
I loved the feeling of the vibrations and the peace it gave. I was tired before but an really happy and chilled now. 5 Stars
Kate gave a lovely explanation of the sounds and its benefits. It was a beautiful relaxing sound bath. Thank you so much. 5 Stars
The Sound Meditation was amazing - so many different sounds. i can still feel the energy and vibrations. Thank you. 5 Stars
I was in pain at the start, but the amazing journey with the sounds have reduced it to its hardly noticeable. Thank You. 5 Stars
Such a healing experience. Thank you. 5 Stars
I really felt the healing energies flowing through me. The depth and tone of the sounds made an amazing experience. I was tired before and now feel really uplifted. Would love to do this more often. 5 Stars​
I have loved working with Kate in the past. Highly recommend her [sound] sessions. TB 5 Stars
Wellbeing Retreat - 22nd October 2023
I loved Kate's smile and energy, and her beautiful instruments that she plays so beautifully, showing her lovely personality. I feel amazing where before I was very unsettled. Thank you - M - 5 Stars
I loved every single aspect of this amazing sound meditation. Ive not experienced anything like this before and feel to revitalised. Thank you so much - Fiona - 5 Stars
Anonymous - Sound Meditation at Catisfield - 10th November 2023 - 5 Star
So many different amazing sounds which evoked lots of different emotions. I had been looking forward to this event and Im so pleased i came. Feel so relaxed, 5 Stars
The whale sounds on the gong were amazing. I was stressed before but the sounds have really calmed me down. I feel so relaxed and grounded. Thank You. 5 Stars
A wonderful relaxing meditation - a perfect start to the weekend. 5 Stars
Mind Body Spirit Experience - Wickham - 19th November 2023
What a lovely experience. Thank you. 5 Stars (amonymous)
I loved the variety of instruments creating different sounds, Best sound bath. Most people only use one type of instrument. This was much better. Grateful thanks and Blessings. 5 Stars (amonymous)
The whole experience was extremely relaxing. My mind feels so clear and relaxed now, where I was stressed with a bad headache before. Thank you. Terri Martin. 5 Stars
Absolutely fantastic. Joanne Knapman. 5 Stars
Anonymous - Sound Meditation at Catisfield - 15th February 2024 - 5 Star
Beautiful smells and sensory colours. Loved it all - the energy and the depth of sound released negative energy and replaced with bliss! Thank You Thank You Thank You.
Mind Body Spirit Experience - Wickham - 17th March 2024
I love the really loud stuff - quiets everything else. My brain was in a 'flighty' mood before, but now its like Ive been in a washing machine and come out a bit cleaner. Really enjoyable. (Anonymous - 4.8 stars)
I loved the consideration for the group and the different sounds. I personally would have it louder, but understand that may not suit everyone. I was feeling a bit low before, but Im now very relaxed. (Anonymous - 4 stars)
Sound Workshop - Hampshire Open Studios at The Dart, Hedge End - 18th August 2024
I loved the chance to play different instruments. I gained a better understanding of Sound Baths and their benefits.
Left feeling energised. (GE - 5 stars)
The whole workshop was wonderful. Kate was very informative, and gave great instruction. She has a lovely gentle approachable manner.
Left feeling really calm, relaxed and energised (NE - 5+ stars)
Sound Relaxation Therapy - Hampshire Open Studios at The Dart, Hedge End - 26th August 2024
I loved the flow or sound through my body.
(Anon - 5 stars)
The sound bath was amazing. As a first timer, I found it difficult to sink into it at first. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do ... but it fired my imagination and transported me over mountain tops, through long grass and to the sea.
A very restful experience. Thank you x
(MR - 5 stars)
Sound Workshop - Hampshire Open Studios at The Dart, Hedge End - 26th August 2024
I was fascinated and curious about the benefits of Sound. This session left me feeling like I wanted to know more. Very relaxed atmosphere and I wasnt worried about asking questions. I particularly loved the RAV Drum and wave sounds.
(Anon - 5 Stars)
Private Clients
JU - Aromatherapy and Sound Meditation - August 2023
Thank you for a very relaxing sound bath. I have experienced a single 'instrument' session at the end of yoga sessions but it was very interesting to experience a range of instruments and watched the effects they had on me. I left feeling very 'chilled ' and ready for a medical examination at the hospital the following day.
Also, I found our 1:1 consultation very helpful. I felt great empathy from you and I was confident enough to tell you the sad events in my early life. This is a help to release some of these events.
I have used the 'Soothing' spray regularly, particularly at bed time and when I wake in the night. I am pleased to say that the panic attacks are less frequent.